{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

{{trans "%name," name=$customer.name}}

{{trans "Welcome to %store_name." store_name=$store.frontend_name}}

{{trans 'To sign in to our site, use these credentials during checkout or on the My Account page:' customer_url=$this.getUrl($store,'customer/account/',[_nosid:1]) |raw}}

{{trans "Email:"}} {{var customer.email}}
{{trans "Password:"}} {{trans "Password you set when creating account"}}

{{trans 'Forgot your account password? Click here to reset it.' reset_url="$this.getUrl($store,'customer/account/createPassword/',[_query:[id:$customer.id,token:$customer.rp_token],_nosid:1])" |raw}}

{{trans "When you sign in to your account, you will be able to:"}}

{{trans 'Quick Checkout'}}

{{trans "Proceed through checkout faster"}}

{{trans 'Order Status'}}

{{trans "Check the status of orders"}}

{{trans 'Manage Addresses'}}

{{trans "Store alternative addresses"}}

{{trans "For shipping to multiple family members and friends"}}

{{trans 'Order History'}}

{{trans "View past orders"}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}